This part will describe how you could write your own efc command.


This feature is not ready yet

Plugin types

Plugins are available and installed through the npm registry. They are node modules that export a class that inherits the Command class from efc.

Local development

  • Create a plugin directory in your project
  • Create a new plugin using efc plugin new
  • Develop you plugin
  • Enable it and test it

Publishing your module

For the modules to be compatible/searchable, you need to name your plugin plugin-efc-{id} and give your command this exact same id. To publish it to the npm registry you need to first setup an npm account. Then, you should only have to run the npm run release command generated by the plugin


This part will remain undocumented until the API is stable. Currently the API will change very frequently. If you're brave enough to start developping a module now, just head over to the source code of the currently supported plugins (opens new window).